How to conduct leader election in etcd cluster

Guide to conducting leader election in an etcd cluster


  • Ensure etcd and etcdctl is installed.
  • Check for active etcd cluster.

elect for leader election:

  1. The etcdctl command is used to conduct leader elections in an etcd cluster. It makes sure that only one client become leader at a time.
  2. Ensure the ENDPOINTS variable is set with the addresses of each etcd cluster members.
  3. Set a unique name for the election for different clients (’one’ in the given code below).
  4. Lastly, set different leaders name for each clients (p1 and p2).

Command format : etcdctl --endpoints=$ENDPOINTS elect <election-name> <leader-name>

etcdctl --endpoints=$ENDPOINTS elect one p1 # another client with the same election name block etcdctl --endpoints=$ENDPOINTS elect one p2

Last modified September 10, 2024: Update (36fb227)